Saturday, April 14, 2007


Lake Bersia3, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

It's been a while!

On the average, I think I'm updating my blog once a month...hmm, bad.

Nope, I have not taken any pictures lately, and my camera has been sitting on the shelf ever since I got back from Penang 2 months back. I should at least take it out, charge the battery and more importantly, clean my lenses.

Perhaps tomorrow...maybe depends...I don't know.

I'll be heading back to Purdue next month for Pei Shan's commencement. Hopefully I'll get to snap a couple of cool shots.

Saturday night, here I am sitting at home, resting...looking through my photo album and trying to select some photos to edit. In case you're wondering, I spent my Friday night partying up in San Francisco. Astrid puked on my blazer! She said I deserved it for making her THAT drunk. Do I really?

Anyway, back to the photos. Managed to find only a few 'scenic' shots of my fishing trip at Lake Bersia. I don't think they are very nice, but I just had to find something to post here you know?

This picture, obviously it's the tip of our fishing boat, or raft...whatever you call it.

Lin "Eh, how come there are so much water here?"

Me "I don't's taking in water!!"

Marc "Where? Oh crap...OI KARIM!! Sini ada lubang besar! Macam lubang buntut aku"

Ok, we didn't say that. So, throughout the fishing trip, we had to constantly unload the water using a plastic bottle.

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