Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Worlds apart, but close at heart

A paw and a hand, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Just chilling in my room...

Me and him

Me and him, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Gonna miss this guy when I leave...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Diamond Head Crater

Diamond Head Crater, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

View from Diamond Head Crater at Waikiki. Wish I was back there again...

Monday, July 09, 2007


Waikiki, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Yeap...just came back from there less than a week ago. Hawaii is a really beautiful place. What can I say? Just like how you see it in the movies and postcards.

This picture was taken at the peak of Diamond Head on a breezy afternoon, overlooking whole of Waikiki beach. 5.5 hours of flight from SF, 6 days and five nights....just gorgeous. Too bad I was down with a fever and sore throat during the last leg of my trip. Could have done more shit....

Anyway peeps, I'm coming home...sometime middle of August...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


halfmoonbay1, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Been a while! Something to let everyone know that I'm still alive. I'm happily busy and in the middle of the biggest transition of my life.

This picture was taken 2 months back. The building in the picture is the Ritz at Halfmoon Bay. Beautiful golf course, classy hotel and excellent food. What can I say? It was a perfect day to take some shots.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Lake Bersia3, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

It's been a while!

On the average, I think I'm updating my blog once a month...hmm, bad.

Nope, I have not taken any pictures lately, and my camera has been sitting on the shelf ever since I got back from Penang 2 months back. I should at least take it out, charge the battery and more importantly, clean my lenses.

Perhaps tomorrow...maybe depends...I don't know.

I'll be heading back to Purdue next month for Pei Shan's commencement. Hopefully I'll get to snap a couple of cool shots.

Saturday night, here I am sitting at home, resting...looking through my photo album and trying to select some photos to edit. In case you're wondering, I spent my Friday night partying up in San Francisco. Astrid puked on my blazer! She said I deserved it for making her THAT drunk. Do I really?

Anyway, back to the photos. Managed to find only a few 'scenic' shots of my fishing trip at Lake Bersia. I don't think they are very nice, but I just had to find something to post here you know?

This picture, obviously it's the tip of our fishing boat, or raft...whatever you call it.

Lin "Eh, how come there are so much water here?"

Me "I don't's taking in water!!"

Marc "Where? Oh crap...OI KARIM!! Sini ada lubang besar! Macam lubang buntut aku"

Ok, we didn't say that. So, throughout the fishing trip, we had to constantly unload the water using a plastic bottle.

Lake Bersia

Lake Bersia2, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Lake Bersia

Lake Bersia1, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Lattern --> Lantern!

khookongsi2, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Someone has been complaining to me that my blog has no updates and it's boring (yeap, she's right!) So, on a Friday night, I've decided to look through some of the pictures that I took from home. Found a few 'interesting' ones, most of them are from Khoo Kongsi. The next few pics were taken there, or at least somewhere close to Khoo Kongsi itself.

I do have more pictures to edit, but I just don't know when I'll do it. Feeling a bit lazy. Someone needs to push me. Enjoy

Khoo Kongsi

khookongsi4, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Khoo Kongsi

khookongsi6, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Khoo Kongsi

khookongsi5, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Khoo Kongsi

khookongsi3, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Khoo Kongsi

khookongsi1, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Trishaw man

trishaw man, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Alway wanted to take a picture of a trishaw...

Roof tip

roof tip, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Tiny window

tiny window, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Row of houses

row of houses, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

The following two pictures were taken somewhere close to Khoo Kongsi vacinity. Nooo...they were not taken during the 1950s.

Narrow Lane

houses, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Man on raft

Man on raft, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

This was taken during my fishing trip. Took a few shots of him, but the rest didn't turn out as good as this one. Talking about the right timing, right moment... he turned towards me and looked straight at me...*snap*

It was evening, we were on the way heading back to the pier, but our boatman decided to bring us to one last fishing spot. Instead, we saw this old man setting his fish trap for the night. Empty bottles on his bamboo raft will be used as floats for indication.


Southbank, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

My only photo from Melbourne. I took everything with me to Melbourne...except for my battery charger. The only trip I've been without snapping a lot of photos, really don't feel like talking about it.

Anyway, this was taken at Southbank.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The biggest catch

The preparation....7.30am

Cool morning breeze...

But it got too hot...that Marcus had to put some extra sun block to
protect his face, and apparently his eyes too

Too hot for these ladies too handle....

At 4.00pm, with no catch....
the disappointment....
Just when we were about to give up....30 mins later

The fight...

The catch...

The landing...

The trophy...
Estimated weight, about 8-9kg (17-20lbs)

Marcus, holding the Toman

Lin, with the same fish, also known as the Giant Snakehead

Started fishing about 8am at a disclosed location, had nothing the whole damn day.
and about 8.5 hours later, I landed our ONLY catch of the day at 4.30pm, just when we were about to leave.

Lastly, the release...
Fuck yeah, it's a big deal... my biggest catch so far!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


boyband, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

A boyband from Hong Kong is making a 2007 world tour. They wanted me to make an advertising poster for them. So, I told them "Sure!"..."Come to San Francisco...I know a place just for it"

So, they came...and I took this shot for them....and also did some simple editing as well. They were happy with it and in return they gave me the rights to blog and distribute it.

Lol...go figure....

Anyway, very first photo entry for this year! Wow...been almost 2 months since the last time I posted pictures over here. I still have a few more pictures to edit and post. But least it's a start for this year right?

Chinese New Year is coming up and I'm going home to celebrate it after nearly 6 years of absence. In conjunction with that, I'll be attending my high school's friend weddding in Australia. by one is getting married.

Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year peeps. Hopefully this year will be a lot better than last year.

Golden Gate in sepia

Golden Gate Sepia, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Beautiful San Francisco!

I've been here for so long...and I have not taken any nice pictures around here yet. So here you are...

This was taken when we were passing the Golden Gate Bridge. One hand was holding the steering wheel while I pop my head out, the other was grabbing the camera trying to snap the picture while another hand was making zoom adjustment.

If only I had 3 hands. Lol...good thing that I wasn't the driver ther other day. So, everything was true except for the steering wheel part.


Pier59, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Taken at Pier 59, San Francisco. If you look closely at the lower left corner of the picture, you may be able to see some seals lying on the platform. I don't know...might be too dark to see it.

More sunset pictures below!


Carrier, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Sunset in San Diego. I took this picture right beside an aircraft carrier museum.

Sunset Fishing

Sunset Fishing, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Talking about the right place at the right time...

This was taken at one of the stop along 17 mile drive in Monterey, CA. I was driving along the road trying to find the best spot to capture a nice sunset. Finally, I found this nice spot. Along with me, there were other 30 over Korean tourists waiting for the moment. Needless to say, I whipped my camera out, and pushed my way to the front. I'm sure some of the tourists did say some nice things about me, but who cares? I don't understand Korean at all.

I really like the boat right below the setting sun. I'm gonna cry...

Oh come on, I'm not that emotional! I nearly cried when Henry scored the winning goal against Man Utd though....


couple, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Some of the older picture I took when I was in Madrid.

I think this man was already irritated by the non-stop yakking from his wife. I'm trying to eat my Churro!! Will you STFU my love?!

Old man

old man, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

This man...he has this 'don't mess with me' kinda look. I think he was trying to tell me, if I snap another shot of him, he's gonna break my camera.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy new year everyone!
I know I have not been blogging for amont 2 months now? I've been traveling quite a bit for the past few weeks. Of course, I took some pictures, but now I need sit down and slowly edit them.

Spent my Christmas at Lake Tahoe, was hoping to snap a few good ones, but I didn't manage to.

What else? Hmmm, didn't know that I can actually use my google account to sign in for blogspot. They had this little 'upgrade' that I had to go through, which screwed up a bit of things on my blog. Shit! my tag board is gone! Crap, means that I have to get another one.

Anyone excited about the new iPhone from Apple? I reckon this year will be a busy year for me. Have a good one everyone.