Friday, April 14, 2006


aroma, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

All right, so I was in Madrid staying with my friend Anuar. His apartment was really nice. You can tell that the owner must be an interior designer, or gay. Tall slim doors, different paint colors in different rooms, neat, clean and small little things around the apartment that made the place really awesome.

Ok, so he's Not Anuar I hope. Anyway, the apartment was filled with decorative items. That day, I came back from walking around the museum and etc..had nothing to do so I decided to take some pics around the apartment. Saw the candles and this arome thing on the couldn't help it but decided to take a snap shot.

Anuar, I really hope your wonderful housemates won't drug that you will not feel the sting in your butt hole the next morning =)

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