Tested this with Dimas's new Canon lens!! Of course..it's 100 times better than my Sigma telephoto lens...of course the quality will better.
I have a feeling that soon, this is gonna be a moon blog..lol
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Half moon
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Serious Thinking
I know what you're thinking...NO! We're not a gay couple that just had a fight....no no no...We were just trying to solve the world's problem...
Just a candid shot taken my Eu Jin's (left) sister. Decided to edit it a little bit...not bad, aye?
Full Moon
Well, I took this photo last weekend, it didn't turn out as nice. The left side of the moon is not really sharp. I was comparing this shot and the shot taken at Lassen...although the one taken in Lassen wasn't a full moon, but I think that one was a lot nicer than this. I tried to crop this an enlarge the moon, but it turned out to be so grainy and blur. I was thinking so damn hard...how did I do it last time to make the moon so much bigger (not necessarily sharper..) and nicer..compared to this one. Then, suddenly it hit me...Lassen shot was taken 8000 feet above sea level...of course the moon will be bigger, versus this one taken in San Jose...3 stories above ground!!! Am I right or wrong?
Plane Across The Sky
Can't belive it...after more than a month...finally another picture posted up from my Lassen trip.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, what you see in the picture it's not a bird and it's not even superman...just a plane across the sky. I thought it was pretty cool so I snapped it. If you follow the end of the trail...you can actually see the moon...real moon! Haha.. Obviously, I did some editing to make it look like this.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Evening reflection
Maybe I should post one picture up from my Lassen trip...what can I say? Perhaps my mood is good tonight!
I don't know what to tell you guys about my trip, but it was great. Usually my regular camping spot will be at Pantai Kerachut, Penang. Sometimes, Muka Head and once at Teluk Kampi. How cold can those places get? 28 C? Also, I'll sleep like 4-5 hours per night during my camping trips back in those days. But this trip...was really different.
Coldest? How about 0 C? I refused to use a sleeping bag at first. I guess I lost my $10 to Lin. Don't get me wrong...it was pretty comfortable sleeping in the tent at 0 C...and I slept for more than 7 hours! Among all the camping trips I've had, this was the most comfortable...the longest rest I've had...and the most I ate too!...oh...and also the shortest.
We reached our camp site about 2-3pm. Pitched our tents up...and started a fire. Besides a few trips to the lake (picture) in the afternoon, evening and at night...all we did was EAT...yes ..EAT! Between 3pm to about 6pm...we took our time to barbeque some sausages...etc...between 8-11pm...we BBQ sausages, corn, baked beans...oh and steak too. Next morning, woke up at around 7.30 am...started the fire...and guess what...HANTAM some more food!
At night was cool though. Everyone was sitting around the fire, telling unsuccessful ghost stories...haha...I was just sitting there, sipping my Corona and Vodka...life felt good at that moment.
Actually right before we went to sleep, I wanted to take a walk towards the lake again, to snap some 3-4 mins exposure shots of the sky. But it was so dark... I was too lazy.... I had no one to go with me...Vodka was too good...wanted to enjoy the fire...too cold...feet hurts...not enough torchlights...................
OK, I had no balls to go by myself in the dark. Happy?
Chasing car
Well, I wanted to edit this pic and post it up long long time ago, but I tend to find excuses not to do it. This was the last shot taken on our down from Yosemite. Lin was driving the car down on a never ending winding road, all I had to do was to secure my camera on my right wrist with the strap, popped my head out, and snap! Oh..I don't think I was wearing the seat belt! If I want to sit my ass down and spend the whole day editing, I'm sure that I'll have more pictures to put up. I'll think about it ;)
I just came back from a wonderful camping trip at Lassen Volcanic National Park. It was a short trip! Only two days and one night. Stay tuned for pictures...lol...hopefully it wont be too long.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Stinking feet
So...out Yosemite trip was awesome! The only complain? It was too damn short. Six of us went on the trip...3 days and 2 nights...1 van...3 cameras..and freaking 575 pictures! Like I told some of you before...that would make up almost 18 rolls of film back in the olden days.
I managed to edit just a few pictures. Hopefully I can dig out a few more nice ones to post it here. I don't know what to tell you guys about my trip...probably too much to tell. Well...just awesome...will go back there someday again.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Anyway, yeah....it took me a while to settle down here in San Jose. I'm going to Yosemite this weekend...so I'll try to get some nice pics from there. SO SORRYYY! Stay tuned!!!
Friday, June 23, 2006
A Weekend in SF/SJ
I was in San Francisco and San Jose last weekend. Of course I had a wonderful time there...so I've decided to post a couple pictures up from my trip. I know this is an unusual post, not the normally 'nice' pics that I would post..but heck...something different right? For those of you who thinks this is a bimbo post..screw you!

1. Dawn, me, Jimmy and Tina
2. Full time engineer and part time paladin on the left...on the right...full time warrior, part time hunter and mage..and part time chef...lol
3. Dawn and I
4. Party! From left..Dimas, me, Hans...a little tipsy, Lin Zhuang...trying to show how good he can suck, boy he can suck I tell ya...second from right JP...and I think the last guy on the right is Eric. WTF?! Who is that guy in front?!!? Yeah..peace bro...
5. Annie and I
6. Hans...already drunk I think.Me?... Just a little thirsty...
7. Still thirsty....
8. Dimas, trying to lick me...oh bebeh! Audrey, obviously not very happy...trying to push Lin away, I think she found out that he sucked my bottle that is sitting right by my b*lls. Annie, almost fainted by my presence again..Karen? Poor girl, got stuck in between two men...
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Good 'ol Kansas!
Come to think about it, I've been living in Kansas for more than 2 years now...such a long time! During that period, I don't think that I've posted any pictures of Kansas before huh? Well, I don't think there are anything interesting to take anyway. As most of you know, you'll get to see lotsa corn fields, wheat fields, farming and etc around Kansas, central and even midwest of USA...again, really nothing interesting...just FLAT.
I've been traveling between Iola and Wichita every weekend, one day I noticed the same road that I've been traveling, does have a pretty nice scenery. I stopped on the side and took a couple of shots. I took this last year...somewhere November I think..can't remember. It's summer now and the view is a lot different.
Anyway, Lin Zhuang..you wanted to see some pics...these are for you bud!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Not being a racist
"Indian girls and ladies wear a dot on their forehead...It is not there for for Infrared or Bluetooth purposes."
I should also add..."...nor it is a button to press for stimulation."
Lol, I'm not being racist ok? I just thought it's funny.
The Natural History & Science Museum
Natural History and Science Museum, nothing interesting inside (to me at least) just bones, birds, dinosaurs...etc etc...you know a typical museum, but the architecture of the building was really awesome. I did take quite a number of pics inside and outside, but I don't think it's that nice to put it out here.
Well, at least compare this to our own own musuem back home...hehe...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Old Madrid Gateway
It's been a while since I last blogged or put any picture up. I'm not exactly busy..but I just didn't have the mood.
A lot of shit has been going on with me, and I'm not particularly comfortable to share it with any Tom, Dick and Harry.
Anyway, I've decided to put a few pictures up today. This is the old Real Madrid gateway. Back in those days with castles, knights, horses and etc...when Madrid was surrounded by a wall....this is the gateway to enter the city, everything is gone now except for this structure.
I didn't carry my tripod that night, so I had to use other things to get a stable foundation for this shot. For this one...I had to use a trash bin! I left my camera sitting on the trash bin, while me squatting down adjusting the camera to get a good shot.
Anuar took a picture of me taking this shot...BABI LU!!
If you are a real football/soccer fan like me, we should all know this stadium... Estadio Santiago Bernabeu. Yes, the home of Real Madrid FC...supposedly, the best football club in the world...maybe not right now! Yup, this is where Zidane, Beckham, Ronaldo, Robinho and gang shower together after every game here.
Madrid, Park
I'm really bad with names...but I know that this picture was taken in a huge park right in the middle of Madrid.
I have a couple of good shots of the park itself...again, I will process it when I have the time.
Tower Bridge
Me and my buddy..Kai Hui...my only photo critique guy so far...haha...yes Kai Hui..both of us still have a lot to learn about photography...
Friday, April 14, 2006
Anuar and I...in 'En la Cueva Sesamo'....drinking................................grape juice
All right, so I was in Madrid staying with my friend Anuar. His apartment was really nice. You can tell that the owner must be an interior designer, or gay. Tall slim doors, different paint colors in different rooms, neat, clean and small little things around the apartment that made the place really awesome.
Ok, so he's gay..lol. Not Anuar I hope. Anyway, the apartment was filled with decorative items. That day, I came back from walking around the museum and etc..had nothing to do so I decided to take some pics around the apartment. Saw the candles and this arome thing on the table...so couldn't help it but decided to take a snap shot.
Anuar, I really hope your wonderful housemates won't drug you...so that you will not feel the sting in your butt hole the next morning =)
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Yes...I was there 2 weeks ago, and after 2 weeks these are the only pictures I processed! And I was suppose to process more pictures from my Thailand trip. Warcraft has taken a lot of my time..lol.
Anyway, as I was saying I went to London and Madrid 2 weeks ago. It was a damn good trip! Took bunch of photos and I edited easier ones like these.
Didn't have the lovely weather as I expected, but city itself was nice enough. Good food, good entertainment and not to forget, pretty women too...for both London and Madrid..haha.
Had a lot of good time with my cousin Jun and his friends...my buddy Kai Hui and of course...Anuar, who is staying with two gay men in Madrid...lol.
I will try to post more pics!
I wanted to get on the London Eye...but I thought about the queue there...I was like screw it! So, to make myself happy...I just took a few photos of it. I'm sure the view up there will be a lot better. Maybe not...it was raining everyday when I was there.
Just ladies being ladies...you know? yak and yak and yak....Lol. Just a random photo.Took this in Spain in a desert shop? See the 3 cups in the photo? Those are not coffee, they are mealted chocolate. I don't know what to call it...I'll just call it bread stick? You're suppose to dip it in a cup of chocolate and eat it.
I'll try to post more photos from Spain if I have the time.
Monday, January 30, 2006
New Year
Don't even ask me what I did on my Chinese New Year....nothing interesting and no stories to tell unfortunately. The rest of you, have loads of fun and be careful where ever you are.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Bend It Like Beckham!
Hey...try to bend your legs like them. Just look at theirs left legs, how the heck can you point it up that way?! Oh well..only statues right? Why am I complaining...
Took this shot in Bangkok at another temple. Gosh...you know, I did try my best to remember the names of the places I went to...but how the hell do you expect me to remember something in Thai?! I think the name of this temple is Temple of Vanajguhlanvijkalpul. Naaa...I was just kidding, I really can't remember.
Anyway, this temple was built like 300 hundref years ago? Maybe 400? I don't know. Built by a king of Thailand...a CHINESE king of Thailand. I really didn't know there was a chinese king in Thailand before...damn. You'll see a lot of chinese influences around this temple. Will try to show..
little girl
I took this picture when I was in Chiang Mai. Yes inded I took tons of pictures during my 5 days in Thailand, but I could only find this one nice enough to blog.
We were at this temple steps and we saw a few of this little kids dressing like this. They were saying something in Thai which of course I didn't understand at all. So, our tour guide was telling us that they were asking us to take their photo. So I did, took a couple including this shot. Well it turned out that nothing is free...lol, if you know what I mean.
Chiang Mai is located nothern part of Thailand. I was told that a lot of things there have Tibetian influence. If I'm not mistaken, some Tibetians migrated to Chiang Mai or something like that. So, that's why you get to see kids dressing up like this...not in general of course.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Another year

Well...my last trip back home in December was an excellent one. Just that I didn't spend enough time in Penang. Took a trip to Chiang Mai and Bangkok with my family, as usual I took whole bunch of pictures. I still need to find the time to edit a few good pictures and put it up here to show all of you, but like I said World of Warcraft is taking most of the free time I have available! However, I do have a picture to show...as you can see right here. We were at this place selling handy craft stuff in Chiang Mai and I came across this shop, I really don't know what was the vender trying to sell...Pure Silver or Porn Silver? Lol...pretty KINKY bebeh!
Life here in Kansas is always exciting as usual! Naaa...just being sarcastic. Life is reallllllllll slow. I spent my birthday ALONE. Picture this, birthday on Saturday, no friends, no celebration, no presents...Just nothing. Oh I did something...World of Warcraft (pathetic!). This coming weekend will be Chinese New Year...hey no biggie...just spend the day ALONE with myself. Come to think of it, this is my 5th year away from home for Chinese New Year. Man this sucks. I wanna go home.
I don't freaking know what's wrong with Flooble Chatterbox on the left side. It's like when there's no one to write anything for a certain amount of time...they'll freeze your account or something? That's why you can't see all the past comments anymore. Damn...maybe it's time to change to another one.
I'll will try to find time to edit more pictures and post it up here....when I get my character to level 60! Just kidding. This is my first post of the year...lol