Sunday, July 22, 2007

Diamond Head Crater

Diamond Head Crater, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

View from Diamond Head Crater at Waikiki. Wish I was back there again...

Monday, July 09, 2007


Waikiki, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Yeap...just came back from there less than a week ago. Hawaii is a really beautiful place. What can I say? Just like how you see it in the movies and postcards.

This picture was taken at the peak of Diamond Head on a breezy afternoon, overlooking whole of Waikiki beach. 5.5 hours of flight from SF, 6 days and five nights....just gorgeous. Too bad I was down with a fever and sore throat during the last leg of my trip. Could have done more shit....

Anyway peeps, I'm coming home...sometime middle of August...