Monday, January 30, 2006
New Year
Don't even ask me what I did on my Chinese New Year....nothing interesting and no stories to tell unfortunately. The rest of you, have loads of fun and be careful where ever you are.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Bend It Like Beckham!
Hey...try to bend your legs like them. Just look at theirs left legs, how the heck can you point it up that way?! Oh well..only statues right? Why am I complaining...
Took this shot in Bangkok at another temple. know, I did try my best to remember the names of the places I went to...but how the hell do you expect me to remember something in Thai?! I think the name of this temple is Temple of Vanajguhlanvijkalpul. Naaa...I was just kidding, I really can't remember.
Anyway, this temple was built like 300 hundref years ago? Maybe 400? I don't know. Built by a king of Thailand...a CHINESE king of Thailand. I really didn't know there was a chinese king in Thailand before...damn. You'll see a lot of chinese influences around this temple. Will try to show..
little girl
I took this picture when I was in Chiang Mai. Yes inded I took tons of pictures during my 5 days in Thailand, but I could only find this one nice enough to blog.
We were at this temple steps and we saw a few of this little kids dressing like this. They were saying something in Thai which of course I didn't understand at all. So, our tour guide was telling us that they were asking us to take their photo. So I did, took a couple including this shot. Well it turned out that nothing is, if you know what I mean.
Chiang Mai is located nothern part of Thailand. I was told that a lot of things there have Tibetian influence. If I'm not mistaken, some Tibetians migrated to Chiang Mai or something like that. So, that's why you get to see kids dressing up like this...not in general of course.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Another year last trip back home in December was an excellent one. Just that I didn't spend enough time in Penang. Took a trip to Chiang Mai and Bangkok with my family, as usual I took whole bunch of pictures. I still need to find the time to edit a few good pictures and put it up here to show all of you, but like I said World of Warcraft is taking most of the free time I have available! However, I do have a picture to you can see right here. We were at this place selling handy craft stuff in Chiang Mai and I came across this shop, I really don't know what was the vender trying to sell...Pure Silver or Porn Silver? Lol...pretty KINKY bebeh!
Life here in Kansas is always exciting as usual! Naaa...just being sarcastic. Life is reallllllllll slow. I spent my birthday ALONE. Picture this, birthday on Saturday, no friends, no celebration, no presents...Just nothing. Oh I did something...World of Warcraft (pathetic!). This coming weekend will be Chinese New Year...hey no biggie...just spend the day ALONE with myself. Come to think of it, this is my 5th year away from home for Chinese New Year. Man this sucks. I wanna go home.
I don't freaking know what's wrong with Flooble Chatterbox on the left side. It's like when there's no one to write anything for a certain amount of time...they'll freeze your account or something? That's why you can't see all the past comments anymore. Damn...maybe it's time to change to another one.
I'll will try to find time to edit more pictures and post it up here....when I get my character to level 60! Just kidding. This is my first post of the