Monday, November 21, 2005
As a Manchester United fan, I was sad to hear the news that Roy Keane left the team for good on a 'mutual consent'. When Beckham was sold, I didn't feel as bad, but was such a big waste.
12 years at the club, Keane was given many types of comments and names. You can either love him or hate him. This is my tribute to him. He will be missed.
What next? Liverpool losing Steven Gerrard and Chelsea selling Frank Lampard?
Houses by the sea...Playa del Carmen
Ahh...don't you wish that someday you'll own one beach front property? In LA, houses by Manhattan or Venice Beach range from 1.5 mil to as high as 5 mil. I don't think I can afford that! I might be better off by marrying an old rich widow that already owns a mansion by the sea from her late husband. The thought of staying in that house would be nice...but the thought of sharing the same bed with guys get the idea.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Girl Horizon
Wednesday morning and I'm alone n office. Everyone is either away for trips or vacation. Therefore, I taking this time to play around with photoshop and learning how to be more creative with putting borders into my pictures. Yes! I know I should be working...oh well...just being lazy at the moment. Not much for me to do anyways...
I like this picture particularly...again..taken in Xcaret. I know what most people will say..,"You just like her ass! Come on!". Hahahaha....sadly that's not true. I mean she does have nice ass...but guys...I've taken much nicer pictures of asses than this one. For some reason, and I cannot explain...I really like this picture. Probably I ain't a good writer...that's why I can't explain what I feel for this picture. (Engineers don't talk crap...we go by facts!)
Anyway, a few more pictures at the bottom with the same border...enjoy...
P.S. If you look closely, there are two holes on her bikini!
Lizard again!
The ever popular lizard. This fellow is different from the one below. A lot smaller too! Might be a good pic to show everyone...
This picture was taken during my boat ride back from Cozumel back to Playa del Carmen. This is not the original size though...I cropped a bit. To be honest, I prefer taking pictures of kids and old people than middle aged people. Somehow, I can kinda feel middle aged adults might feel threatened if I take a snap shot of them. Well...I just don't wanna let them feel that I'm stalking them or what...which I don't! Has anyone taken a candid shot of you before? How did you feel? I would feel a little uncomfortable.
Lucky charm?

Hey...what do you know? I was told by Mexicans that if twins give a person kisses (no matter where...), it's a good luck sign.
That was two months ago the night before I left Mexico. Come to think of it...I haven't been very lucky. On a few occasions, I was fortunate...but really lucky? Naaa...I can't even win the weekly free gas from my gym. Been putting my lucky draw entries everyday since the day I got back. Also, two days ago I got my second speeding ticket in less than 6 months.
Poo, I'm beginning to suspect that the radar detector you gave me, is a piece of junk! Chippo Faros! tell me, have I been lucky?
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
I was playing around with Photoshop and I edited this picture. It was taken in Mexico. I added border around the picture and changed it to sepia, tell me what you think....