Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.
This is a a view out from my window on a nice day. As you can see...nice mountain and little structures you see in front of's a grave yard. Hey, it's not that bad, pretty nice...for those of you from this with Padang Tembak graveyard ok?

I was talking to someone here...and I jsut found out...that mountain is not a's a VOLCANO. Don't worry...not active and it is hibernating now...someday it'll be awake...hehe...

Out of breath??

I'm bored at work (lucky me!), and decided to write this. On Monday, I went to play indoor football with some amigos from work. The last time I played football was about 6 weeks ago. It's been a while and this time I was pretty excited about playing again.

First quarter of the game, a substitution...finally my turn! Guess what? I lasted only 5 mins....ONLY 5 MINS!! I was totally our of breath. I had to ask another amigo to replace me. Imagine, 12 mins for each quarter and they played 4 quarters. Out of the 48 mins, I played on 5 mins. Come to think of it...maybe less!

Here's what I think. Atlacomulco is situated about 1Km above sea level. As you know, air is thinner as you go higher. Therefore, I think that the air was to thin for me to be fooling around. My lungs were actually hurting after the game! you think I was actually too 'lemak' after stopped playing for 6 weeks? I have to admit that I never had a good stamina...hehe.

In conclusionnnnnnnn....I think both factors affected my game!

Last Weekend

In case you are wondering why I didn't post any pics from last weekend...that is because I didn't go anywhere. Yes...for once, I was here in Atlacomulco, but it wasn't bad though. I was invited by my friend Roberto, to attend his family reunion party on Saturday afternoon. It's the reunion of "Familia Rojas", in Spanish, you're suppose to read as 'Rohas'....not Rojak!

There were about close to 200 people attended the party, and that was only a quarter of the Rojas family. Imagine all of them were there....So, I started drinking from 3pm, and after the party...there was another party organized by his cousins. Yup...non stop drinking from 3pm to 3am....tequilas...beers...brandy....etc.

The next day, was Roberto's grandad's b'day. Again, I was invited to attend. Of course I took quite a bit of pictures, but I don't think any of you guys are interested to look at other family's pictures right? As usual....we drank again on

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Inside Cathedral of Toluca

Inside Cathedral of Toluca
Originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.
Hehe...ok..just one more picture from the inside...

Inside Cathedral of Toluca

Inside Cathedral of Toluca, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Yes I know...cathedrals after cathedrals...but I can't help it! I'm always amazed everytime I visit a cathedral...just look at the pic! The interior design and etc...

I took a couple more shots of the interior of this cathedral, but I'm not gonna post it here. Go to my flicks to check it out...haha...

Cathedral, build at the end of 19th century

I hope it's not hard to notice me in the picture! LOL! There's no name to this cathedral except it's known as the Cathedral of Toluca. Over 100 over years old...

Botanical Garden with Cosmo Vitral surrounding it

This was Sunday at Toluca, inside the Botanical Garden. The yellow and orange glasses you see here it's an art called Cosma Vitral. Designed by one Mexican artist when he was drunk! Took about two year and 1500 pieces of stained glass brought all over from Europe to make this.

The central square...view from the top of cathedral

Top of the Metropolitan Cathedral looking down. As you can see, last Saturday was pretty cloudy...

Aztec costume?

Aztec costume?, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Last Saturday when I was in Mexico City, I saw a group of people performed a dance at the center of the square. I was pretty curious and went there to check it out. My friend told me that that was the Aztec dance and they were wearing the traditional Aztec costumes while performing the dance. This was one of them.

How accurate were the costumes compared the the older days? Even for the dance too, were they dancing 'real' steps or just simply move and swing around like high on weeds just to 'cari makan'? I don't know...but it's sure nice to see something diffent from our own SILAT MELAKA!!!!!

Inside the cathedral

Inside the cathedral, originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Just look at that spectacular picture! Let me introduce...The Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico City. Some archbishop...whom I don't remember the name...started to lay the first stone in 1572! And for the next 300 hundred years...the cathedral had a couple of renovation and expansion. Still standing today...well...hopefully.

Mexico City is built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan, a legendary Actez city that was build on an island that was at the center of that lake. Now, the city and the lake is gone and Mexico City is sitting right on top of the soft ground. Many beams are needed today to support the cathedral as it is constantly shifting and sinking into the ground.

More pics at

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


I was on MSN messenger today and suddenly Ayu came online with a very weird nickname. In fact, if I'm not mistaken..her nickname was 'a-
Article/indexb_html' . So, I sent her a message and she told me to check it out...and here's the article from NST Malaysia....

"AN uproarious battle of the sexes erupted in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday when polygamy was once again brought up for debate.

Fong Po Kuan (DAP - Batu Gajah) claimed, when debating the Syariah Criminal Procedure (Federal Territories)(Amendment) Bill 2005, that Syriah laws governing polygamy were unfairly interpreted by male judges.

She also said men in general interpreted such laws to their advantage.

Ching Eng (DAP - Bukit Mertajam) chipped in.

"In those days, polygamy was allowed as a means to 'save' widows and orphans. How many widows are there now who need to be saved?" she asked.

Datuk Mohamed Aziz (BN - Sri Gading) then stood up to interject: Polygamy is as sweet as honey. God knows the needs of human beings and polygamy allows men to spread their love around.

Fong told him to sit down and be fair to his two wives."

Haha...can you imagine what he said in front of so many people? "Polygamy is as sweet as honey...allows men to spread their loveeeeeee". I think Fong was pissed and said shut your pie hole and sit your ass back down! How embarassing. Got brains Datuk Mohamed Aziz?

Monday, July 11, 2005

Fantastic Four!

Fantastic Four!
Fantastic Four!,
originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.
Finally, another Marvel movie. Yesterday, couldn't find anything else to do. So I suggested to Roberto and his friends that maybe we should go watch The Fantastic Four. So we all agreed and went ahead with the plan. Here I was, sitting on the seat, quite excited about the movie...keep on wondering about the plot...the story and also characters developement. After all the trailers of the up coming movies...I was like...finally! But then from the introduction... I heard "LOS QUATRO FANTASTICOS!!!"...I was like...NOOOOOOO WAYYYYYY! Yup...after the long anticipated wait...I had to watch the wholeeeee movie in Spanish! With no English subtitle! Gosh....but least I can see Jessica Alba speaking in Spanish..."Como?"

On top of Pyramid of the Sun

On top of Pyramid of the Sun
Originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.
Oh...forgot to mention, I went to Teotihuacan last weekend (July 11th). This is the picture of me taken right at the top of Pyramid of the Sun with the background of Pyramid of the Moon. took me a while to climbs those steps but it was worth it. Again, the view from the top was spectacular...

Pyramid of the sun

Pyramid of the sun
Originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.

Behold!! Pyramid of the Sun...with the base size almost the same as the Great Pyramid, the height however, it's only half of the Great Pyramid...233.5 feet. Overall, I was really amazed by the sight. Talking about ancient ruins/buildings, probably this is my very first experience. This is only the Pyramid of the Sun, some additional photos will be at

Imagine...this was one of the biggest city...spreading more than 20 square km area and an estimated population on 200,000. What happened to it? No one the time Aztecs discovered this place, they thought this place was built by giants. Just amazing...

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.
Hector, Angelica and her 6 months old daughter...Monserat, baptized the day before...


Originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.
On July 3rd, Angelica and her husband took me to Metepec...a place famous for handicraft. This was a church situated on top of a little hill. The interior of the church was painted with golden design and decoration on the wall...with pure gold. Couldn't take any pictures inside as there was a service going on.

"Tree of Life" is a very famous handicraft made in Metepec. A typical "Tree of Life" consists of a tree of course...Adam and Eve...angel(s)...Jesus I think...Noah's ark as well...and different animals in pairs. Depending on sizes, it could cost from $25 USD to $300 USD. Will try to upload a picture on that soon.

Mexican Spiderman

Mexican Spiderman
Originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.
Mexican Spiderman! Ran out of web, had to chase the Goblin with this tri-cycle. Notice his appearance is little different...a little velvat baby! And hairy white chest too! Sexy! The owner? The kid right below...


Originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.
Just some random kid at the celebration party...


Originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.
Mexican minibus...just kidding. This was right after the baptism, on the way to some amigo's place for a celebration. Baptism is a really important thing for the people here, so they usually invite family and friends to celebrate together after the service...with food and beer...salute!

San Pedro View

Originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.
Pretty decent view. A typical farming community in Mexico.

inside church_SP

inside church_SP
Originally uploaded by Adrian Tan.
On July 2nd, the girl sitting right behind my desk invited me to witness her daughter's baptism in a little town about 30 mins away from Atlacomulco. Name of the town was San Pedro De Los BaƱos. Now if I get it right...the direct translation of the name is Hotsprings of San Pedro. This is actually inside the church where the service was going on. Nice little church...