You can tell I'm really bored at work. I just wish that I could chill on this beach instead of sitting on my desk here and do nothing!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
It's been a week since she left. My life has been boring and dull. Nothing to look forward anymore...not even weekends. How am I gonna survive here in this tiny little town of Iola, Kansas? Where there's no parks...nothing! Only farms, cows and horses. At time, I think I'm the only asian here! Well...of course there are a few more...just that sometimes I feel alone that's all.
Having some sort of dilemma. I know I wanna get out of here...but I don't know when. There are a few places for me to go but I cannot pick which one. Here my situation...
Thinking of leaving this company around end of January or February. Will it be too soon?
I wanna move to California...but just don't know where. I have buddies in LA, yet I have good friends in San Jose. There are many more engineering jobs in electronic industry in San Jose than LA....but I think LA won't be as bad too.
Or should I just go home for good to be close to the person I love? Although it's pretty obvious I'll earn less there...but at least I can spend more time with her...I have friends and family at home too. I also know that there are many things waiting for me at home.
Maybe I can just ask my company to transfer me to Singapore to work. The bad thing is, no production in Singapore, only a distribution center. Not even sure there's an engineering job for me.
Everytime, it seems that every path that I picked...I'll come across another crossroad in life. Which path I take will determine my future. Wish life was that easy...don't you agree? I always thought that I could manage it after she left...apparently not. Whatever it is, God will always.
Monday, November 21, 2005
As a Manchester United fan, I was sad to hear the news that Roy Keane left the team for good on a 'mutual consent'. When Beckham was sold, I didn't feel as bad, but was such a big waste.
12 years at the club, Keane was given many types of comments and names. You can either love him or hate him. This is my tribute to him. He will be missed.
What next? Liverpool losing Steven Gerrard and Chelsea selling Frank Lampard?
Houses by the sea...Playa del Carmen
Ahh...don't you wish that someday you'll own one beach front property? In LA, houses by Manhattan or Venice Beach range from 1.5 mil to as high as 5 mil. I don't think I can afford that! I might be better off by marrying an old rich widow that already owns a mansion by the sea from her late husband. The thought of staying in that house would be nice...but the thought of sharing the same bed with guys get the idea.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Girl Horizon
Wednesday morning and I'm alone n office. Everyone is either away for trips or vacation. Therefore, I taking this time to play around with photoshop and learning how to be more creative with putting borders into my pictures. Yes! I know I should be working...oh well...just being lazy at the moment. Not much for me to do anyways...
I like this picture particularly...again..taken in Xcaret. I know what most people will say..,"You just like her ass! Come on!". Hahahaha....sadly that's not true. I mean she does have nice ass...but guys...I've taken much nicer pictures of asses than this one. For some reason, and I cannot explain...I really like this picture. Probably I ain't a good writer...that's why I can't explain what I feel for this picture. (Engineers don't talk crap...we go by facts!)
Anyway, a few more pictures at the bottom with the same border...enjoy...
P.S. If you look closely, there are two holes on her bikini!
Lizard again!
The ever popular lizard. This fellow is different from the one below. A lot smaller too! Might be a good pic to show everyone...
This picture was taken during my boat ride back from Cozumel back to Playa del Carmen. This is not the original size though...I cropped a bit. To be honest, I prefer taking pictures of kids and old people than middle aged people. Somehow, I can kinda feel middle aged adults might feel threatened if I take a snap shot of them. Well...I just don't wanna let them feel that I'm stalking them or what...which I don't! Has anyone taken a candid shot of you before? How did you feel? I would feel a little uncomfortable.
Lucky charm?

Hey...what do you know? I was told by Mexicans that if twins give a person kisses (no matter where...), it's a good luck sign.
That was two months ago the night before I left Mexico. Come to think of it...I haven't been very lucky. On a few occasions, I was fortunate...but really lucky? Naaa...I can't even win the weekly free gas from my gym. Been putting my lucky draw entries everyday since the day I got back. Also, two days ago I got my second speeding ticket in less than 6 months.
Poo, I'm beginning to suspect that the radar detector you gave me, is a piece of junk! Chippo Faros! tell me, have I been lucky?
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
I was playing around with Photoshop and I edited this picture. It was taken in Mexico. I added border around the picture and changed it to sepia, tell me what you think....
Friday, October 21, 2005
Sunrise?? Hurricane terror...
I took this picture on my second night in Cancun. I was taking a walk by myself in front of my hotel and decided to capture the moon. didn't turn out as was not a sunrise...but looks more like it, huh? Bare in mind, I took this at night time. I over exposed the camera too long...=( ... I'm still learning...Anyway, it turned out pretty I decided to post this picture.
Many of you might know, three countries are or will be hit by hurricane Wilma...Cuba, Mexico and USA. The only place in Mexico that will be hit by this category 4 Wilma is Yucatán area...where Cancun, Cozumel and Xcaret are situated at. I just read the news this morning, that Wilma just landed on the beaches of Cancun this morning. Many locals and tourists in Cancun should be now hiding in the tornado shelter or using hotel ballrooms shelters. Can you imagine, that someone that is expecting to have a good holiday and be treated like a King/Queen in a luxurious have to hide in a shelter with hundreds of others, with possibility of not having enough food and water supply? SUCKS!
Anyway, let's hope for the best for the people there and pray for them...
Need to read more? Here's the link...
Bad ass warrior huh? Mayan costume...this guy was just posing there and was preparing for a cultural show next.
More of Xcaret...

Thursday, October 20, 2005
Cancun Xcaret
Guys...I know it's been soooo long but more photos of Cancun will come. Bare with me please...been really busy and lazy lately!
El Calvario
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I sorry that I posted this so late. After I get back into US...I got all lazy...busy with work...etc etc. So, might as well just get it done with it.
NO! I didn't go with other people...NO! I didn't hook up with some chicks...I was all by myself in Cancun...just in case you guys are wondering.
Anyway, I've never been to such beautiful place in my life. Unlike Pulau Redang, where you can only go scuba diving/snorkling, relax by the beach and sleep...Cancun is a lot more than that. With tons of world class hotels...countless restaurants...amazing nightlife...and of course expensive. You'll see many tourists from all around the world. Chicks? Don't even need to ask about that...they were excellent!
On the first day, I arrived there in the evening. I couldn't do anything else except for bar hopping...yes...ALONE. I jsut wanted to see Cancun's nightlife. Believe me, if you have a bunch of crazy asses with'll get tons of fun.
Second day, I took an hour bus ride to Playa del Carmen. From there, I took a 40 mins ferry ride across to Cozumel Island. There, they have the second longest reef in the world after Australia. I wanted to go snorkle...but I did it many times before. So, I thought maybe I should go a little further. Took a crash course in scuba diving and I went right in. My first scuba diving was fun...really.
On the third day, I took another bus ride to a nearby park, it's called Xcaret. Not exactly near, it was about 1.5 hour away. Anyway, that place was beautiful. I just spent the whole day there. I swam the natural underwater river, visited Mayan ruins and watched performances.
On my last day, I didn't do much. My first three days there, I did not actually sit by the beach and chill. So, I decided to do that a few hours before I went to the airport. The picture you see, I took it as I was walking along the beach. Just beeeeeeeeeeeeautiful!!
Friday, August 12, 2005
Girls were the most interesting thing to me in Guadalajara because I did not go anywhere else besides eat, movie and mall with my cousin. My cousin doesn't like to go out that much, so after work he'll head back home and log in to the realm of World of Warcraft....even on Friday and Saturday night! So there you go...most of the time in Guadalajara, I did nothing but stayed at home and watch TV. pictures this week!
Friday after work, I started driving to Guadalajara. As usual, everyone on the road was I HAD to follow. As I was close to Morelia, about after 2 hours of driving...lucky me...I was stopped by a Federal Police. I pulled my car the police was walking towards my car...
Police, "Buenas tardes..." (Good Afternoon)
Before he was able to finish the whole sentence, I said ,"Mi no habla español." (I don't speak spanish). In my mind I was thinking, noooooo problem...I don't speak spanish and he doesn't speak communication...therefore he'll let me go.
Then, Police, " speak english?"
Damn! What do you expect me to say? All foreigners should be able to speak english in Mexico...common sense! Maybe I should say "Babi! Aku tak faham langsung!?!?"....So, being nice and a responsible citizen of Malaysia, I said "YES".
Police, "Good. You drive fast. You drive One Four Four Km/ hundred and ten km/hr. Can I see license and registration?"
So yeah...he ended up giving me a ticket and took my number plate away. Yes...they take your number plate! To make sure you actually go to the police station to pay up your fine. Unlike other police here in Mexico, Federal Police don't take bribes.
That was my last weekend, didn't do anything in a lively city and my encounter with a police that spoke english!
Friday, August 05, 2005
Cathedral ...not again?!
Anyway, another cathedral...yes...haha. They begun building this cathedral in 1660 and completed everything a century later. Why so slow? Wa mana eh chai?!
Palacio de Gabierno
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
I was talking to someone here...and I jsut found out...that mountain is not a's a VOLCANO. Don't worry...not active and it is hibernating now...someday it'll be awake...hehe...
Out of breath??
First quarter of the game, a substitution...finally my turn! Guess what? I lasted only 5 mins....ONLY 5 MINS!! I was totally our of breath. I had to ask another amigo to replace me. Imagine, 12 mins for each quarter and they played 4 quarters. Out of the 48 mins, I played on 5 mins. Come to think of it...maybe less!
Here's what I think. Atlacomulco is situated about 1Km above sea level. As you know, air is thinner as you go higher. Therefore, I think that the air was to thin for me to be fooling around. My lungs were actually hurting after the game! you think I was actually too 'lemak' after stopped playing for 6 weeks? I have to admit that I never had a good stamina...hehe.
In conclusionnnnnnnn....I think both factors affected my game!
Last Weekend
There were about close to 200 people attended the party, and that was only a quarter of the Rojas family. Imagine all of them were there....So, I started drinking from 3pm, and after the party...there was another party organized by his cousins. Yup...non stop drinking from 3pm to 3am....tequilas...beers...brandy....etc.
The next day, was Roberto's grandad's b'day. Again, I was invited to attend. Of course I took quite a bit of pictures, but I don't think any of you guys are interested to look at other family's pictures right? As usual....we drank again on
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Inside Cathedral of Toluca
Yes I know...cathedrals after cathedrals...but I can't help it! I'm always amazed everytime I visit a cathedral...just look at the pic! The interior design and etc...
I took a couple more shots of the interior of this cathedral, but I'm not gonna post it here. Go to my flicks to check it out...haha...
Cathedral, build at the end of 19th century
I hope it's not hard to notice me in the picture! LOL! There's no name to this cathedral except it's known as the Cathedral of Toluca. Over 100 over years old...
Botanical Garden with Cosmo Vitral surrounding it
This was Sunday at Toluca, inside the Botanical Garden. The yellow and orange glasses you see here it's an art called Cosma Vitral. Designed by one Mexican artist when he was drunk! Took about two year and 1500 pieces of stained glass brought all over from Europe to make this.
The central square...view from the top of cathedral
Top of the Metropolitan Cathedral looking down. As you can see, last Saturday was pretty cloudy...
Aztec costume?
Last Saturday when I was in Mexico City, I saw a group of people performed a dance at the center of the square. I was pretty curious and went there to check it out. My friend told me that that was the Aztec dance and they were wearing the traditional Aztec costumes while performing the dance. This was one of them.
How accurate were the costumes compared the the older days? Even for the dance too, were they dancing 'real' steps or just simply move and swing around like high on weeds just to 'cari makan'? I don't know...but it's sure nice to see something diffent from our own SILAT MELAKA!!!!!
Inside the cathedral
Just look at that spectacular picture! Let me introduce...The Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico City. Some archbishop...whom I don't remember the name...started to lay the first stone in 1572! And for the next 300 hundred years...the cathedral had a couple of renovation and expansion. Still standing today...well...hopefully.
Mexico City is built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan, a legendary Actez city that was build on an island that was at the center of that lake. Now, the city and the lake is gone and Mexico City is sitting right on top of the soft ground. Many beams are needed today to support the cathedral as it is constantly shifting and sinking into the ground.
More pics at
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Article/indexb_html' . So, I sent her a message and she told me to check it out...and here's the article from NST Malaysia....
"AN uproarious battle of the sexes erupted in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday when polygamy was once again brought up for debate.
Fong Po Kuan (DAP - Batu Gajah) claimed, when debating the Syariah Criminal Procedure (Federal Territories)(Amendment) Bill 2005, that Syriah laws governing polygamy were unfairly interpreted by male judges.
She also said men in general interpreted such laws to their advantage.
Ching Eng (DAP - Bukit Mertajam) chipped in.
"In those days, polygamy was allowed as a means to 'save' widows and orphans. How many widows are there now who need to be saved?" she asked.
Datuk Mohamed Aziz (BN - Sri Gading) then stood up to interject: Polygamy is as sweet as honey. God knows the needs of human beings and polygamy allows men to spread their love around.
Fong told him to sit down and be fair to his two wives."
Haha...can you imagine what he said in front of so many people? "Polygamy is as sweet as honey...allows men to spread their loveeeeeee". I think Fong was pissed and said shut your pie hole and sit your ass back down! How embarassing. Got brains Datuk Mohamed Aziz?
Monday, July 11, 2005
Fantastic Four!
On top of Pyramid of the Sun
Pyramid of the sun
Behold!! Pyramid of the Sun...with the base size almost the same as the Great Pyramid, the height however, it's only half of the Great Pyramid...233.5 feet. Overall, I was really amazed by the sight. Talking about ancient ruins/buildings, probably this is my very first experience. This is only the Pyramid of the Sun, some additional photos will be at
Imagine...this was one of the biggest city...spreading more than 20 square km area and an estimated population on 200,000. What happened to it? No one the time Aztecs discovered this place, they thought this place was built by giants. Just amazing...
Thursday, July 07, 2005
"Tree of Life" is a very famous handicraft made in Metepec. A typical "Tree of Life" consists of a tree of course...Adam and Eve...angel(s)...Jesus I think...Noah's ark as well...and different animals in pairs. Depending on sizes, it could cost from $25 USD to $300 USD. Will try to upload a picture on that soon.